Got the Alternators Optimus Prime yesterday, and man is it a nice TF! Although it could be argued that it isn't quite Optimus Prime, as there are no windows on the chest and it's not a semi (It's a Dodge Ram) it's still a pretty sweet Transformer that I can use as a leader (all I've got for the good guys is a counterfeit Prime, Deluxe BM Optimus Primal, and Magnaboss while the Predacon/Decepticon side has TM II Megatron)At least until TF Classics comes out. Then I'll struggle to find a role for this puppy in my army - I suppose I could always figure out a way to get an Ironhide head to swap on - it'll make a decent Ironhide (supposedly that's who this was originally going to be until they changed it so it would sell in Japan).
That's all for now! Time to Transform and Roll Out!