So - I was looking to start a Blogger account for a few reasons - one of which I want to keep close to the chest right now - and through the creating of an account, I found out that I already had this one.
Which I hadn't updated since... 2006? Wow.
A LOT has changed since then.
Firstly, I'm almost done my schooling now. Secondly, this was WAAAY back when I casually and foolishly started to get into TF collecting. Waspinator and Alt Prime were only the beginning... I've since acquired most of Classics/Universe 2, TF Animated, and a LOT of movie toys (with movie Ravage being the latest acquisition). Not to mention forays into GI Joe/Star Wars clones from time to time (now THAT's casual fortunately... TF isn't nearly so anymore).
My computer has changed since I started this, to a more advanced model. I also have laptop capabilities on top of the giant desktop (and as mentioned, a crapload of Transformers). I eventually DID get a Wii, though it's purely a Smash Bros casual machine it seems.
And most importantly of all, for the last 2.5 years I've been a webcartoonist ( And for the last half-year I've been a Twitterfiend - I think the foray into social networking has helped rekindle my interest in actually having a blog (as not everything fits into 140 characters). And of course I'm occasionally doing podcasting, with the occasional guest host gig on the Geekcast Radio Network on their Transformers Toycast show. (and the yet-to-be-finished TFA SMRTcast).
So how's stuff been doing? Pretty great, really.