Monday, August 03, 2009

New comic and new blog logo

BT Toons - "Other M, Part 5: 'It's 3 A.M...'"

This comic is the beginning of the end of the current storyline. It's a result of planning out stories on the fly, and finding "Crud - I can get another comic out of this, and I'd better do another one or it'll be rushed to cram it all in to one."

Meanwhile, woo! I can has new logo for my blog!

Or rather, old logo. Since all I did was update the logo I've been using for some time.

The acronym "TOBOMI" itself is old as well - older than the logo is. And it has always had the same acronym.

(It occurs to me I could easily swap in "Blog" in lieu of "Broadcasting" - but the current acronym is general enough to work for anything I produce.)

And as for the random pic of the evening... it's Total Ownage Time, movie style!

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